Tuesday, March 7, 2023

“Pipes and Platter” Celebration Event on April 16

Save the date! The stars have aligned, and we are finally able to schedule a long-awaited and much overdue celebration of the progress we have made on our Set in Stone building restoration. We have a double line-up on Sunday, April 16.

First, we will be showcasing our beautiful 1868 E. & G.G. Hook pipe organ in concert at 4:00 pm. Guest Organist George Bozeman will be at the keyboard performing the Chorales of J.S. Bach in an hour-long program. Admission to the concert is free.

Second, concert attendees will have the option of enjoying a special 4-course sit-down dinner in our Parish Hall following the concert. Diners will have the opportunity to sit and chat with Mr. Bozeman over a delicious menu prepared by UUCW’s Our Neighbor’s Kitchen chefs. We will also be acknowledging our supporters of our Set in Stone campaign, without whom we could not have made such significant progress.

Tickets are required for the 4-course dinner at $15 per person ($8 for age 10 and under). They will be sold at the entrance to the Parish Hall following the concert. We encourage advance purchase of dinner tickets at our web site:
